Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Reflections on many ants, one tortoise, and four words

My new morning routine is to get up and start culling the ants that have set up house on our dining table while we sleep.  I think it may be time to undertake some serious chemical warfare.

Our new friend
Things however pick up after that.  In an attempt to get our money’s worth from the kids’ school fees, Mike and I have started using the schools rubberized track in the morning.  We have made friends with the resident tortoise on the track (he usually occupies the inside lane).  It makes us feel good that we can lap someone.

Running does seem to be a national pastime here.  Everyday in Meskal Square local runners gather to train. Their skill level is several (hundred) notches above ours. It is unlikely that we will ever muster the courage to join them.  As you know, the Ethiopian women dominated the middle and long distance running events at the Olympics.

This week we learned that the people who are not trying to pick your pocket are actually very kind and helpful.  Lots of random small acts of kindness this week.  This made us happy.

The straightforward Amharic alphabet

It is surprising to me that after being here for two weeks, I can only say four things in Amharic (hello, goodbye, thank you, and how much are these bananas?).  There is a limited usefulness for my limited vocabulary.  Goal for next week is to learn at least four more phrases. 

Aysha has joined the Cross Country team at school.  The training schedule looks slightly scary (lots of fartlek and interval training).  Sunil has joined a theatre group called theatre sports, which looks very cool.

View from the front window of our cab
Still not thrilled that the kids have a long commute to school in a beat up taxi, with unexplainable road rules and no seat belts.  We hope to move closer to the school soon.

Closing words from Aysha and Sunil: I’m excited to move into a new house, but I’ll miss the little kids outside of our house.   I hope our new house has a toilet seat and fewer ants.   I like cross country but my legs are sore.

P.S.—As you can see from all this blogging, we have too much spare time.  Mike and I need to get to work :)

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